What is Backpack XX+?
It is a free intensive face-to-face meeting lasting three days that will be replicated inCusco, Pucallpa and Arequipa,aimed at all people self-identified as women, who come from or reside for more than three years in one of the three locations.
Thisdocumentary meetingIt will consist of theoretical training activities, technical training, consultancies by DOCUPERU, spaces for reflection-action among women, conversations with specialists on gender and the conditions of inequality in the Peruvian film industry, discussion spaces around gender open to the public of mixed genre, as well as free screenings open to the public, of local documentaries and made by women.
For more information about the meeting, check thecomplete document
How to participate in Mochila XX+?
To participate, follow the steps below:
+ Download and read in detail theapplication bases
+ Fill theapplication form
Application form Backpack XX+ Cusco
FApplication form Mochila XX+ Arequipa
+ The jury will receive all applications by location. We will publish the closing dates of each call on our social networks.
+ The jury's decision will be final. After the ruling, the production team will contact the winners for all the corresponding coordination.
Gabriela Urco / (+51) 947 310 267