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We seek, through the communicative processes and products, to intervene, transform and produce documentary projects that reflect and influence on our realities, through self-representation. We understand education as a process of knowledge assimilation from different languages and disciplines, having as a main tool the various documentary manifestations, genres and its implications. We believe in a methodology based on subjectivity and personal points of view to generate processes and documentary products.

Yapatera, Piura.
San Marcos, Cajamarca.
Chamis, Cajamarca.
Yapatera, Piura.
Yapatera, Piura.

·el otro documental - another kind of documentary (2007)

El Otro Documental (EOD) - Another kind of Documentary, initiated on 2007, it is an alternative documentary learning space aimed at the prospect to re-think and transform
all documentary possibilities. It was the first intensive workshop for documentary production nationwide and it was the need for such preparation and growth space, which could provide theoretical and technical tools, what originated its creation. During the EOD, what we prioritize is the documentalist motivation and its relation with the subject to develop. We work with an alternative approaching method towards the subject and the reality that surrounds it.

As today, twelve years later after EOD was funded, it is one of the most highlighted references of documentary production under an alternative methodology, theoretically constructed and confirmed throughout the years, during our many different projects. Apart from the Lima editions, EOD has also been taken place in Colima-Mexico (2014, 2015 and 2018), Cochabamba-Bolivia (2017) and it is looking forward to expand and to share the experience with several communities and territories.

·Mochila documentary - 
documentary backpack (2014)

Mochila Documental - Documentary Backpack, is an alternative nomadic space of media education and training aimed at community leaders, organizations and collectives throughout national territory. We seek to reinforce the capabilities and tools of the community leaders for the documentary production on the existing issues concerning the community and territories, through the exchange of communication tools, creating integral collective action plans and strategies that go hand in hand to the according objectives of their organizations.


Mochila Documental was born in 2014, as a result from many years of work and contribution between many grassroots organizations and after having built communicative articulations, all over the country and alliances with different institutions that develop topics such as human rights, gender, education, child and youth, protection of territory, environment, among others.

· la resi - Decentralized Documentary Residency (2020)

La Resi: Decentralized Documentary Residency is the most recent project of DOCUPERU's educational area. It is aimed exclusively at filmmakers from all over Peru. The first edition was held in January 2020 at Cedep Ayllu's headquarters in Paruro-Cusco, with the participation of 12 selected documentary projects.


La Resi was planned under the logic of an internship, to promote collective, intensive and experiential work, typical of the DOCUPERU methodology. It consisted of two weeks of collective and individual advising from the DOCUPERU team and international guests; theoretical and practical master classes and activities for the discussion, exhibition and review of the documentary proposals.


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